helping you enrich your wild-life wherever you live, work or play
Environmental Stewardship
Farming has had a long history in shaping out natural world. Traditional farming allowed many species to thrive and spread. Such low intensity farming over hundreds of years defined Britain’s landscapes, allowing the development of highly diverse habitats. Sadly, many of these habitats have been lost and those that survive are fragmented and still threatened. The new Environmental Stewardship schemes provide financial incentives to farmers to re-introduce some of these traditional practices to re-establish habitats and species.
We are able to apply for these schemes on the behalf of farmers and carry out Farm Environment Plans (FEPs). Click here for more information.
We provide an ecological advisory service to:
We undertake professional ecological survey work & site assessments and can offer advice about managing and creating habitats.
For school and community groups we can help you make changes to enrich wildlife and your environment. Click here to find out more...
Created by Farmercology consultancy 2016 ©.